Agreement When Broadcast

Agreement When Broadcast: Understanding This Important Broadcasting Concept

When it comes to broadcasting, there are a lot of technical terms that can be difficult to understand. One of these terms is Agreement When Broadcast. This concept is vital for ensuring that programming is properly delivered to viewers and listeners. In this article, we`ll take a closer look at what Agreement When Broadcast is and why it matters.

What is Agreement When Broadcast?

Agreement When Broadcast (AWB) is a technical term in broadcasting that refers to the synchronization of audio and video signals. When broadcasting live events or programs, it is essential that the audio and video signals remain perfectly synchronized. This is because if the audio is out of sync with the video, the viewer will notice and the production value of the program may be diminished.

Why is Agreement When Broadcast important?

Agreement When Broadcast is important because it ensures that the audio and video signals being transmitted are properly synchronized. This is essential for live events such as sports broadcasts or news programs, where viewers need to see the action and hear the commentary in real-time. Additionally, if there is a delay in the synchronization of the audio and video, it can cause technical issues such as lip-syncing problems.

How is Agreement When Broadcast achieved?

To achieve Agreement When Broadcast, many broadcasting companies use specialized equipment such as frame synchronizers and time base correctors. These devices work to synchronize the audio and video signals by ensuring that they are running at the same frame rate and are aligned with each other. Additionally, many broadcasters use a technique called “genlocking,” which involves using a common reference signal to keep the audio and video signals in sync.


Understanding the concept of Agreement When Broadcast is crucial for anyone working in the broadcasting industry. By ensuring that the audio and video signals remain synchronized, broadcasters can provide viewers with a professional and seamless experience. Whether you are a copy editor, producer, or engineer, it is essential to understand this critical technical concept for a successful broadcasting career.

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